Aboriginal painting for Sale

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Aboriginal painting for Sale

Aboriginal art is often associated with charged symbolism. Aboriginal paintings are often linked to the concept of dreams and the sacred, are inspired by nature, and generally tell the story of the origins of the Australian Aboriginal people and their culture. Explore our selection of artworks by Aboriginal artists: you'll find work by artists such as Liddy Walker Napanangka and Theo Hudson Nangala, and others who are now enjoying a growing interest in the international art market. Discover works with a traditional spirit as well as more contemporary creations!

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Need help with Aboriginal painting ?

What is Aboriginal art?

Aboriginal art is the spiritual and symbolic art produced by the Aboriginal peoples of Australia. Artistic styles vary according to region, but often Aboriginal art references the environment and events experienced by its tribe.

What is the origin of Aboriginal peoples?

It is generally believed that Australian Aboriginal peoples originally came to Australia from the continent of Asia, and that they have been settled in Australia for around 50,000 years.  

What is the Aboriginal religion?

Dreamtime is the foundation of Aboriginal Australian religion and culture, and is around 65,000 years old. According to Dreamtime, land and the people on Earth were created by spirits, who gave humans hunting tools and each tribe its own land.