
Émilie Esther M has always practiced art in several forms: writing, poetry and singing. Photography and painting appeared later.

She has written two collections of poetry: "Aube" and "Lucarne ouverte sur le temps", produced a CD "Née de la terre".

She explored the world of sound by doing a 4 year Vocal and Artistic Body-Psych training, and later wrote a book based on her thesis: "The Power of Sound" in which she demonstrates the impact of sound on our daily lives.

Émilie Esther M proposes unretouched photographs, taken in a natural environment.

The technique of spinning transforms the viewed and allows to go from the perception of a known nature to a possible abstraction. The gaze thus passes from the perceived nature to a poetic reality transfiguring the real. Fields, forests, flowers and lights are adorned with another dimension. Some of the photographs are even reminiscent of paintings.

The photograph suggests letting the imagination take over. That's why she takes the decision not to name her photos in order to avoid influencing the viewer.

Émilie Esther M has already held about 20 exhibitions and one of her photographs received the public's prize at the end of 2018 during the 28th Salon d'Automne at the René Pous Foundation.

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