Bright and Colorful Figurative Works

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Bright and Colorful Figurative Works

Capturing the recognizable in every shade. By generously offering color, artists can offer an insight into their mood, the expression of emotions and ultimately connect people across cultures. Celebrated by humanity, across time and place, color can identify various cultures and the value it holds within them. In Artsper's own selection of works by Virginia Benedicto, color is offered to the viewer just as generously as she draws voluptuous curves – offering a brighter depiction of figurative art which reflects her optimistic view on life. Not to be confused with “figural art" where humans or animals are the subject, figurative works depict the representation of recognizable objects, and of course the human form. You only have to think of Pablo Picasso's blue period to understand how color deeply impacts how a viewer feels a work. Bright and colorful figurative works bring joy and energy to their expression. The likes of Caitlin Cartwright only reinforces this, a social change artist whose vibrant narrative works combine painting, drawing, and collage to explore the stories that connect people across those cultures.

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